Open mic – Theatrical speech act. Opened at Pulpa Fest on May 19, 2024. The event was organized in collaboration with Movimentazioni, Diversamente, Collettivo Zona Fucsia, and co-financed by the Regione Abruzzo for the PULPA FESTIVAL.

This ‘unplugged’ edition of OPEN MIC is exciting and highly attended. Theatrical meetings were staged at the Pulpa Fest in Montesilvano, Italy.
For this 4th edition, we left the bicycles behind and chose to take a walk, escorting the public through the large murals by Vera Bugatti and Neve frescoed on the walls of the Baldoni Palace in Montesilvano, our first stop.
The thematic engine is the youth, the rumors and stereotypes about the new generation, involving the High School female and male students of Human Sciences in Città Sant’Angelo (Pescara), Italy.

Concept and direction: Monica Ciarcelluti
Performers: Mariangela Celi, Fantacuzzi Gisela, Anna Pieramico, Julien Lambert
Music: Giulio Scocchia
Communication: Michela Di Stefano

Once again, we have brought back the themes of the 2030 Agenda that are closest to our heart: gender equality, which is told by Penelope who is overwhelmed by stereotypes, inclusion and the debunking of the clichés that adults have about young people who are labeled and misunderstood, and about migration, the journey and the difficulty of leaving one’s homeland in search of a better future.
“An agenda book has been lost… has anyone seen an agenda?” The actress Mariangela Celi, with a megaphone in hand, searches for it with the complicity of dancers Gisela Fantacuzzi and Julien Lambert, among the seated and unaware audience.
The theatrical fiction suggests that an important agenda book has been lost, it is our 2030 agenda. And so…having found the Agenda, our journey begins.

We walk along Palazzo Baldoni admiring the works of street artists Vittorio Valiante, Ligama, and Attorrep, accompanied by musician Giulio Scocchia and his trumpet.
Goal n. 2 of the Agenda 2030 : Municipal Villa of Montesilvano.
Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda: achieve gender equality and the emancipation of all women.
Penelope, played by actress Anna Pieramico, is our protagonist trapped in a web of clichés about femininity. With the words of Patrizia Cavalli and a pair of scissors, she manages to free herself.
Giulia Scocchia continues to update us with her notes… the new generations are taking voice and form… we perform plays on pedestrian crossings, in the manner of situational theater from the ’70s, traffic is stopped, we play with and for passersby, residents on balconies and children playing outside, creating unexpected events with the surprise and wonder of onlookers.

Third stage: exterior of Palazzo Baldoni-Villa Comunale, Montesilvano.
Goal n. 4 of the Agenda 2030: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The clichés to debunk now have a different rhythm.
They emerged in dialogue with the boys and girls of the Diversamente project, and with their enthusiasm on the crosswalks, we block passersby, creating a game: guess what the right answers regarding the feelings of the new generations?
We continue to walk, the dancer Gisela Fantacuzzi and Julien Lambert lead the caravan.

And here we are at the fourth stop, Piazza del Comune of Montesilvano, with Movimentazioni
Goal n. 10 of the Agenda 2030: Reduce inequality within and between nations
What are the dreams that could inspire someone to embark on a journey?
The journey of migrants driven to face the risks because they are motivated by the desire for a better life. The audience is given a boat made of paper and begins to sail following the ship’s Captains, always in dance steps, led by Gisela Fantacuzzi and Julien Lambert.

The verses of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, in harmony with Giulia’s trumpet, mark the rhythm of navigation between thunderstorms and southwest winds.
You arrive at the landing, at the safe harbor, the little boats are then docked in the center of the garden’s square, and after a few seconds of silence, smiles, hugs, and claps and applause.
The images give an idea, but theater is an experience that is lived.

Our journey in Montesilvano comes to an end, Open mic is concluded…

See you at the next edition!

#Arterie #OpenMic #TheatricalRallies #PulpaFestival #Differently #GenderEquality #Inclusion #Migration #Agenda2030